God gives the blind sight, gives hearing to the deaf, casts out demons, gives hope to the hopeless, takes away sickness, and raised His Only Son from the dead.
Place your hope and trust in God alone! Hear more about God's miraculous work today!
God gives the blind sight, gives hearing to the deaf, casts out demons, gives hope to the hopeless, takes away sickness, and raised His Only Son from the dead.
Place your hope and trust in God alone! Hear more about God's miraculous work today!
For centuries people have been trying to destroy and discredit Christianity. But the Holy Spirit continues His unstoppable work today—changing hearts, homes, and entire nations for the glory of God. Learn more about how the unstoppable Holy Spirit is turning the world upside down.
Does your life need healing? Maybe physically, mentally, and/or spiritually? Jesus healed the blind, sick, crippled, and broken. His power available for you today! But the greatest miracle was His resurrection. Believe in the precious Son of God and experience true and lasting healing.
God can transform any life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Will you accept His power in your life? The same Spirit that rose Jesus Christ from the dead lives in those who place their faith in the Risen Saviour.
Jesus rose from the dead! His followers were excited beyond comprehension. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to show the world that the King of the universe conquered the grave. Their witness to this fact is how they made their life count for eternity. Will you make your life count?
God's plan for transforming the Yukon is through the lives of His people. We are to be humble, forgiving, and holy as He is. He laid down His life for us. May we do the same for others.
How do we transform the Yukon for the glory of God? Through the praying church. Jesus teaches us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. Central to the prayer is honouring and esteeming God above all things. Imagine what would happen to the Yukon if God's people prayed to the God who created it all!
A dead God is no good to any one. Not only did Jesus die on the cross for our sins, three days later He rose to life. Death has no hold on Him. By faith in Jesus, you too can live forever!
Jesus chose to die for you and me. He chose to be murdered on a cross to pay for our sins. He chose to take our shame and guilt to the grave. Three days later He rose to life!
Place your faith in Jesus alone and you too will inherit eternal life!
We all fail God daily. We are not faithful in the life that God created for us. Our rebellion will cost us our lives and our souls. But God so loved the world He sent His faithful Son to pay for our unfaithfulness. Believe in Jesus alone and receive eternal life!
Everything has an end. But God's Word will never end. His Son's rule will never end. Believe in Jesus and find eternal life.
Who do you follow? Everyone of them will ultimately fail you, if you place your trust and hope in them. Jesus will never fail. Jesus is eternal and alive today! His purposes and plans are unstoppable. Follow Jesus and live!
Who or what controls your life? Those things will ultimately fail you. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe. He made you and everything around you. Follow Him and His ways to find joy, fulfillment, and eternal life.
Why should we care about Jesus? Because He taught like no one else.
When Jesus showed up on the scene 2,000 years ago, He taught some radical things that no one ever did. Can we trust His teachings today? The Gospel according to Mark shows us that this Amazing Teacher is also God in the flesh. His timeless teachings are not optional for us. And His teachings are for His glory and our good.
Follow Jesus and live.
Who is Jesus and why should we care? The Bible claims that He is God, and He has power over life and death.
Why should we care about Jesus? Because He rescues our souls from death.
By His life, death, and resurrection He freely offers forgiveness and eternal life to anyone who puts their faith in Him.
Who is Jesus & why should we care? Because He cleans our corrupt hearts and makes us able to enter Heaven once we place our faith in His life, death, and resurrection.
Who is Jesus and why should we care? Because He performed miracles like no other, and they proved His claim to be God in the flesh. Jesus still performs miracles today.
Following Jesus is not easy, but it’s infinitely worth it! So how do we follow when things get difficult or terrifying?
Because He invites us into His Kingdom with no end. He has made a way for us. All we need to do is listen and accept His invitation. Will you be in His Kingdom?