Ephesians 3 - Healthy Churches Are Ethnically & Culturally Diverse

Learn about God’s growing family from different backgrounds and cultures. He brings together people who have historically been hostile toward each other. He provides unity in the midst of diversity because of what Christ accomplished on the cross on behalf of sinners.

Ephesians 3 shows us that the church reflects God’s graciousness and mercy toward all people groups.

We are united by faith in the One True God.

Acts 27 & 28 - The Unstoppable Gospel

Listen online to the conclusion of our series through the book of Acts (How God Is Turning The World Upside Down).

Our journey through this book shows us how the gospel is spread to the ends of the earth. It continues to transform lives in Whitehorse and beyond...there is no stopping God’s glorious purposes for humanity.

God invites all of us to join His unstoppable work. We all have a role to play.

The book of Acts continues with us...

Acts 25 & 26 - Ordinary People In The Hands Of An Extraordinary God

Hear about how God is in complete and absolute control of everything that happens in our world.

This is a profound yet mysterious truth.

He chooses to use ordinary people to fulfill His own purposes—to glorify Himself.

There’s nothing that can stop God’s plans. And in the case of the Apostle Paul (and millions of Christians around the world), neither can torture, imprisonment, or even death.

Acts 22 - A Faith For All

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for any one! It doesn't matter who you are, what you've done, or what colour your skin is—Jesus Christ died for you and has conquered the grave!

Learn how faith is for all from a speech from the Apostle Paul about God's plan to include all people in His diverse global family.

Acts 21 - Knowing God's Will

Everyone was created to know God and enjoy Him forever.

God created humanity for Himself and we all have a role to play. Our job is to do God’s will.

Do you know His will for your life?

Learn about a follower of Jesus named Paul who God used to turn the world upside down. We can learn about God’s will for our life through Paul’s example.