Genesis 33 & 34 - The Sinfulness of Humanity and the Faithfulness of God

Let us not elevate characters in the Bible. The Bible is full of corrupt and broken men and women. We are longing for a hero that rules with justice, liberty, love, patience, conviction.

When it comes to God, almost obedience is never enough. God requires full obedience.

The only hero is Jesus Christ.

Jesus kept the law perfectly. Followed God perfectly.

He who knew no sin, became sin, that we may become the righteousness of God.

His wrath was poured out on His son Jesus Christ on our behalf.

ESTABLISH 101 - God Protects, Provides, and Pursues

This lesson continues in the Bible beyond the book of Genesis, into the book of Exodus. We will see how God powerful, and sovereign orchestrates events and fulfills old prophecy's and promises made long ago with Abraham. The Israelites are enslaved, Moses is led to deliver them from Pharaoh and the first 9 of 10 plagues are studied. God tirelessly protects, provides a rescue, and pursues relationship with His people as shown in this historical account.

ESTABLISH 101 - Evil Cannot Hinder God's Plan for the Deliverer

As we delve into the lives of Esau, Jacob and Joseph we will see a pattern that continues even today since The Fall of humanity. All these men and their parents were sinful from birth, and as some of them put their faith in the coming Deliverer they still struggled to honour God in all areas of life. We will touch on some of the struggles we encounter today that distract us too from the life God would have for us and reflect on hardships that many of us face and how to think Biblically especially in those seasons of life.

ESTABLISH 101 - God Continues to Pursue Relationship with Sinful People

In this lesson we will clearly see how God, despite how all people are now born separated from Him, that He still pursues a relationship with sinful people. All people have an opportunity to respond to God and walk with Him by humbly coming to Him through repentance and faith in the Deliverer. In this lesson, God's Word will tell how Cain, Enoch and Noah each responded to God's pursuit of relationship with them.

Genesis 20 & 21 - God Alone Is Sovereign

God’s purposes for His people are not conditional on their performance. The sins of our parents do not determine God’s presence and loving actions in our lives. God is sovereign and unrestrained by us. God’s ability to use even our own sins for his own purposes shows that he doesn’t love us simply for the great things we can do for him. Often, we think that God will love us more if we do great things for him. But the story of Abraham and Sarah (and the whole bible) shows us that God’s love is unconditionally based on His sovereign purposes.