Introduction to Philippians
Cycling4Water & The Centrality of Christ
Learn about the ministry of Cycling4Water has they bike across Canada to help raise awareness and fund to build 65 wells in Africa.
Learn from Colossians 1:15-20 about how Jesus Christ must be at the centre of our lives.
Knowing Jesus
The Christian's highest priority is to know Jesus Christ more and more deeply.
Uniting And Growing The Church
We all have our part to do in building up the Body of Christ--the church. He gives each Christian gifts that help His church grow in maturity.
Interview with Cycling4Water's Mike Woodard
A cycling team take a 10,000km ride across Canada to raise awareness and funds for 65 life-giving wells in Africa.
Hear from Mike Woodard about God's work through this ministry.
Meet the team on Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 3pm (311 Black Street) at the Northern Collective Church.
Learn more at
Matthew 3:1-13 - Christ-Centered Repentance
True repentance coupled with placing our faith in God results in the forgiveness of our sins and the restoration of our relationship with God.
Matthew 1:1-25 - God With Us
Jesus is the long-awaited messiah and King. The Old Testament foreshadowed the arrival of a Saviour. Jesus is the world's hope for salvation. He has come to live among us.
Malachi | The Judgment & Grace of God
The prophet Malachi reaffirms God’s love for his people, before he begins to condemn their sins and failures. When we forget God’s love and faithfulness to us, we lose our motivation to obey him and may blame God’s perceived unfaithfulness or unfairness for our sin.
Jeremiah 29:1-23 | Our Hope & Future
When we find ourselves in the midst of difficulty, we can rest in God’s enduring promises to never leave us or forsake us and to give us a hope and future with Him.
Carcross Church Plant Update - Brent Ristau
Hear from Brent Ristau about how he and his family are coming alongside Wade and Josephine Holmes to continue to see more disciples made for God's glory.
Esther 4:1-17 | God Positions His People to be Used as His Instruments to Accomplish His Purposes
God positioned Esther in a place of great power and authority, and she was faced with a choice. She chose to see her position as an opportunity to accomplish the good work of God. We must also see whatever position we have as responsibility for the sake of God’s kingdom.
2 Kings 22:1-20 | The People of God are People of God’s Word
The people of God must be firmly rooted in the Word of God. If that foundation cracks or isn’t dug deeply enough, then disaster is soon to follow.
The Results of the Resurrection
He died to destroy the penalty of our sin. He gave us His innocence in exchange for our guilt. He rose three days later to prove His divinity and triumph over death.
Good Friday - Spoken Word
The grave could not keep Him. Death has no hold on Him.
Jesus Christ is the death killer.
The Book of Jonah | You Can't Hide From The Will of God
Jonah is the story about one of God’s prophets. Jonah’s job was to tell others about God’s message of salvation. But the prophet chose to run away from God’s plan. But God pursued Jonah to demonstrate His compassion for a broken world.
1 Kings 18:20-40 | There Is Only One True God
The events of this section in 1 Kings were intended to bring spiritual change to God’s people in the days of Elijah. Also, the record of these events in Scripture are intended to have the same effect on us—to change our hearts and move us to authentic repentance.
Ecclesiastes | True Meaning and Lasting Happiness Are Found in God Alone
Ecclesiastes says that the fear of God is the goal of our existence. But in order to know and enjoy God properly, we first have to see the emptiness of life without him, becoming thoroughly disillusioned with everything the world has to offer. To this end, Ecclesiastes gives us a true assessment of what life is like apart from the grace of God.
Ecclesiastes | True Meaning and Lasting Happiness is Found in God Alone
Ecclesiastes says that the fear of God is the goal of our existence. But in order to know and enjoy God properly, we first have to see the emptiness of life without him, becoming thoroughly disillusioned with everything the world has to offer. To this end, Ecclesiastes gives us a true assessment of what life is like apart from the grace of God.
Proverbs 1:1-7 | The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of a Life of Wisdom
The mention of Solomon, David’s son, locates this book within the biblical story leading to Jesus, the ultimate Son of David, and history’s greatest expert on foolish sinners who need help from beyond themselves.