Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!
John 5:31-47 | Witnesses to Jesus
The Gospel of John teaches about the witnesses to the divinity of Jesus
John 5:1-30 | Jesus Claims to be the Son of God.
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ claims to be the one true God.
John 4:43-54 | Jesus Heals an Official's Son
The Gospel of John teaches about the healing power of Jesus
John 4:1-42 | Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
The Gospel of John teaches about the graciousness of Jesus Christ
John 3:22-36 | John the Baptist Exalts Christ
The Gospel of John teaches about the glory of Jesus Christ
John 3:1-21 - Jesus & Nicodemus
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ gift of eternal life through the New Birth.
John 2:13-25 - Jesus Clears the Temple
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ passion for God’s glory
John 1:35-51 - The First Disciples
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ first disciples
John 2:1-12 - Jesus' First Miracle
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ first miracle
John 1:19-34 | The Lamb Who Takes Away The Sins of the World
The Gospel of John teaches us that Christ is the perfect sacrificial lamb the ultimately deals with the problem of sin.
John 1:1-18 - Christ, The Eternal Word
The Gospel of John teaches us that Christ has always been, always was, and aways will be.
Introduction to John's Gospel
The Apostle John demonstrates that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament
The Commission: The Mission of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ commissions His followers to make disciples of all nations
The Crown: The Kingship of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe. Follow Him.
The Cross: The Death of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ paid for our sin on the cross.
The Cradle: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Place your faith in the newborn King!
2 Thessalonians 3 | Proper Christian Living
Learn what it means to work hard unto the LORD
2 Thessalonians 2 | Hope In The Midst of Confusion
Learn what it means to hope in the Gospel despite confusion all around us
2 Thessalonians 1 | Encouragement In Persecution
Learn what it means to live a society that is hostile to the cause of Christ.