Acts 22 - A Faith For All

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for any one! It doesn't matter who you are, what you've done, or what colour your skin is—Jesus Christ died for you and has conquered the grave!

Learn how faith is for all from a speech from the Apostle Paul about God's plan to include all people in His diverse global family.

Acts 21 - Knowing God's Will

Everyone was created to know God and enjoy Him forever.

God created humanity for Himself and we all have a role to play. Our job is to do God’s will.

Do you know His will for your life?

Learn about a follower of Jesus named Paul who God used to turn the world upside down. We can learn about God’s will for our life through Paul’s example.

Acts 20 - How To Leave A Lasting Legacy

A life lived for Christ is NEVER wasted. He is our aim. Our motivation. Our friend. Our Lord. Our King. Our everything. Without Christ we have NOTHING. In Christ we have everything we need.

Not your own, but Christ's. Only a legacy for Christ will last.

The legacy of Jesus Christ is eternal. Join His legacy. Make a name for Him, not our own. Boast in His accomplishments.

Learn how we can leave a lasting legacy from the Apostle Paul's farewell to the church in Ephesus.

Acts 16 - God Transforms Lives

God has the power to raise His Son from the dead. He has the power to transform any life! He does so for His own glory and our good. Place your faith in Christ alone!

Acts 16:30-31a, “Then he brought them out and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ And they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...’”

Hear more about the event that continues to transforms live today!

Acts 9 - God Can Save Anyone

“God couldn’t love someone like me.”

“You don’t know what I’ve done, God could never forgive me.”

These statements are simply not true. Yet people believe this and are crushed by their past and the consequences of their choices. God offered freedom and forgiveness to ANYONE!

Learn about a man named Saul who tried to exterminate Christianity yet God loved Him and saved him still.