In this lesson, we close the narrative "chapter" on Adam and Eve's time in the Garden of Eden. Their choice of disobeying God, resulted in God driving them from Eden. Adam and Eve as sinners, rebels against Holy God, are now helpless unto themselves! Come hear how their existence went forward in a broken relationship with God as God continued in His mercy and grace to pursue restored relationship them in love.
What Child Is This? (Mary)
Hear about the incredible true story of Jesus’ mother. She raised the Son of God. The birth of Jesus would change Mary’s life forever...and the entire world.
ESTABLISH 101 - Judgement and Deliverer
In this lesson we dive into Genesis 3:14-15, further unpacking the consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience - God's judgement, as well as God's promise of a deliverer. God's grace and mercy shine through as we understand His character in light of what has transpired so far.
What Child Is This? (Wisemen)
Explore the story of the Wisemen who seek and encounter the child Jesus. Jesus fulfills several Old Testament prophesies at His birth. He is the long awaited King. He is the saviour of the world. He is God in the flesh. The Wisemen came to worship The King. We exist to worship The King.
ESTABLISH 101 - Separation From God
In this lesson, we will see how this decision to disobey God affected Adam and Eve and their relationship with Him. Within this we will dive into God's warning "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." What does death mean? As well, we will explore what is believed about death that doesn't line up with the truth of God's Word.
What Child Is This? (Shepherd)
Hear about how Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd for our lives and souls. See how the Good Shepherd is traced in the Old and the New Testament.
ESTABLISH 101 - Adam and Eve Choose Sin
Satan, The Adversary - enemy of God - is now on earth to seek, kill and destroy. We will see how he deceives and tempts Eve to disobey and thus sin against Holy God. Together, Adam and Eve give way to temptation and choose to go against God's command to not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Genesis 17 - God Transforms Our Lives
Learn about God’s almighty power in fulfilling His promise He made with a man Abram. A promise to give him land and descendants. And also a promise to bless the world through his family.
Once you encounter the living God your life will never be the same again.
ESTABLISH 101 - Sin Started With Lucifer
We have come to a pivotal point in unfolding the story of the universe. At this point, everything was in perfect peace and harmony in every way - no evil, no sin! Complete unity. In this lesson we will see that Lucifer had lifted himself in self-centred, sinful pride, causing a rebellion in Heaven which resulted in serious consequences involving God’s holy judgement.
Genesis 15 & 16 - God Always Keeps His Promises
God created a good world, but His people rebelled against His commands. This rebellion brought decay, destruction, and death. God graciously promises to restore all things despite the continual rebellion of His people.
Genesis continues to follow God's relationship with Abram and the promise He made. God promises to give him descendants as numerous as the stars. And God promises to give Abram a great land.
Ultimately, God restores all things to Himself through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. God keeps His promise to Abram. And we, by faith, are part of Abram's descendants...Just like God promised.
ESTABLISH 101: God Offers An Eternal Relationship
We are continuing to hang out in the Garden of Eden to understand the highlights of God’s gracious relationship with Adam and more of who Eve is as the first woman also in relationship with God.
Learn more at
Genesis 13 & 14 - Followers of God Live By Faith
Some of the first followers of God, like many people today, were faced with much uncertainty. God promised a man named Abram that his family and ancestors would bless the world.
ESTABLISH 101 - God Is The Source Of All Life
Learn about God as the source of all life, and His purpose for Humanity.
Genesis 11 & 12 - God Blesses A Rebellious World
Humans are made to be in a perfect relationship with the one true God. But the story of Genesis shows the continual downward spiral of humanity since the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden.
Generation-after-generation people rebel against their holy Creator and face His divine judgement.
Yet, God chooses to graciously bless a fallen world despite their continual sin and rebellion. God’s ultimate blessing is found in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
Genesis 9 & 10 - God Places Special Purpose And Value On Human Life
Noah and his family step off the ark and encounter a planet that has been greatly changed by the flood. With this new beginning, God gives Noah new instructions on how people will interact with nature and each other. Today, we continue to live out God's grand story and we can do it knowing that He has given our lives both special value and purpose.
Genesis 7 & 8 - There Is Only One Path To Salvation
The story of Noah is widely know but often misunderstood. It isn’t just a story about Noah and some animals. It is a story about the Living God. It tells us about who he is and how he relates to his creation. And it points forward to a future of both judgement and salvation.
ESTABLISH 101 - God and the Angels
Learn about an aspect of the spiritual heavens, specifically God creating the angels/spirits.
Foundation #3 - God Judges Our Sin
God created a very good world. The first people walked innocently with God—there was no shame, guilt, or death.
Sin came into the world through the single disobedience of one man—Adam.
Genesis 5 & 6 show us the horrible effects of sin and how it continues to ruin lives today.
But God’s incomprehensible grace rescues us from utter destruction. By faith in His work we can be saved from His wrath.
Learn more about this gracious God amidst our death-bringing sin.
ESTABLISH 101 - God And The Beginning
Learn about the beginning of the book of Genesis as well as a few other verses that helps us learn and understand some key truths about God.
Genesis 3 & 4 - Sin Leads To Death
We don’t need to look much further than our own thoughts and heart to know that the world is wicked. And when we look at the world around us we see heartbreaking evil.
This sin originates from within us. We are born in sin. Our condition deserves the punishment of hell and wrath from a good and perfect God.
But thanks be to God for sending His only Son Jesus Christ to be the full payment for our sinfulness. By faith in Christ, your sins will be forgiven.
Listen to this week's episode to learn more about this great Savior!
(Note: Any reference to Genesis 1:15 is supposed to be Genesis 3:15)