This lesson continues in the Bible beyond the book of Genesis, into the book of Exodus. We will see how God powerful, and sovereign orchestrates events and fulfills old prophecy's and promises made long ago with Abraham. The Israelites are enslaved, Moses is led to deliver them from Pharaoh and the first 9 of 10 plagues are studied. God tirelessly protects, provides a rescue, and pursues relationship with His people as shown in this historical account.
Genesis 31 & 32 - God Is With Us
God is with his people as he pours out his grace through their weakness and brokenness in order to comfort them in adversity and affliction.
ESTABLISH 101 - Evil Cannot Hinder God's Plan for the Deliverer
As we delve into the lives of Esau, Jacob and Joseph we will see a pattern that continues even today since The Fall of humanity. All these men and their parents were sinful from birth, and as some of them put their faith in the coming Deliverer they still struggled to honour God in all areas of life. We will touch on some of the struggles we encounter today that distract us too from the life God would have for us and reflect on hardships that many of us face and how to think Biblically especially in those seasons of life.
Genesis 29 & 30 - God of The Broken
Despite all the brokenness in Genesis 29 & 30: the polygamy, the lies, the baby wars, the desperation, and the deception God chooses to be the God of the broken. Through Leah’s son Judah, God’s covenant promises will be fulfilled. Through Leah’s descendants, would eventually lead to King David—and King Jesus!
ESTABLISH 101 - God Tests and Provides
This lesson covers the birth of Isaac, the promised son to Abraham and Sarah who's names were changed from Abram and Sarai by God. We will learn of the tremendous obedience God called Abraham to, as well as how God provided a substitute for Isaac. There is much embedded in this lesson which is a foreshadowing of the Deliverer yet to come.
Genesis 27 & 28 - The Faithfulness Of God
God displays His faithfulness toward His people despite our brokenness.
Church In Hard Places: Responding To Abuse
Learn how the Gospel brings freedom to those suffering with childhood abuse. Learn how to apply practical steps to preventing abuse in your ministry.
ESTABLISH 101 - God is Faithful to His Promises
This episode marks the beginning of our section called “Covenant”. We will briefly revisit the covenant made after The Flood, and dive into God’s covenant with Abraham. We will see how God is a covenant keeping God as we continue through the Word. He is continually Faithful to His promises again and again.
Genesis 25 & 26 - The Graciousness of God
Grace that is earned is not grace at all. Grace goes to the undeserving. Grace comes at God’s discretion, not our directives. And grace is there for you, if you will come to Christ. And if you do come, you will discover that it is all of God from beginning to end.
ESTABLISH 101 - God's Sovereignty and People's Sinfulness
This lesson covers the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel and how the thousands of languages of our world began. After the Flood, humanity was walking in complete disobedience to God's command which was to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. Yet people's disobedience didn’t, and doesn’t today either, thwart God's sovereign plan as we will soon learn.
Vanier High School Assembly - No Other King
In world where everyone is telling you to follow them. In a world with hundreds of different religions telling you to follow them. Our job. You exist to seek truth. Your exist to follow the only True King.
Genesis 24 - The God Of Everyday Life
God is the Great Orchestrator of everyday life who brings a wife to Isaac and protected Abraham’s lineage. God is making sure His own promise to Abraham will be fulfilled. God’s providential control of everyday life is illustrated by virtually every narrative in the Bible.
ESTABLISH 101 - God Rescues and God Judges
In this lesson we unpack the well known story of Noah's Ark. As we come to this part of history in the Bible it's evident it was a very dark part of human existence - every inclination of the thoughts of peoples heart was only evil all the time! However, God graciously confronts people with His truth, just like we are here today.
Genesis 22 & 23 - God Provides
God created the universe and everything in it. He asks everyone everywhere to follow Him no matter the cost. We often encounter uncertainty difficult circumstances throughout our lives. But, God promises to provide in ways that glorify Himself.
ESTABLISH 101 - God Continues to Pursue Relationship with Sinful People
In this lesson we will clearly see how God, despite how all people are now born separated from Him, that He still pursues a relationship with sinful people. All people have an opportunity to respond to God and walk with Him by humbly coming to Him through repentance and faith in the Deliverer. In this lesson, God's Word will tell how Cain, Enoch and Noah each responded to God's pursuit of relationship with them.
Genesis 20 & 21 - God Alone Is Sovereign
God’s purposes for His people are not conditional on their performance. The sins of our parents do not determine God’s presence and loving actions in our lives. God is sovereign and unrestrained by us. God’s ability to use even our own sins for his own purposes shows that he doesn’t love us simply for the great things we can do for him. Often, we think that God will love us more if we do great things for him. But the story of Abraham and Sarah (and the whole bible) shows us that God’s love is unconditionally based on His sovereign purposes.
ESTABLISH 101 - God's Way is by Faith
In today’s lesson, we’ll read how the consequences of sin are passed on to Adam and Eve’s children. And we will see two different ways of approaching God - one acceptable and the other rejected. Amazingly, through it all, God is merciful and gracious and continues to pursue relationship.
Genesis 18 & 19 - The Justice Of God
God created a good world that His people continue to rebel against. God has a plan in place to rescue humanity from the devastation of sin. He uses a man named Abraham to be part of this rescue plan. And we see God’s judgement and justice on wicked cities known as Sodom & Gomorrah.
Vision Sunday
Our vision is to see thriving gospel centred churches in all Yukon communities by making disciples that make disciples. Learn about our hopes for 2020.
What Child Is This? (Joseph)
Learn about Jesus' father Joseph who humbly adopted Jesus into his family. Jesus grows up and pays the adoption price for our lives with His own life.