We continue our series through the Gospel of John
John 18:1-14 - The Rejected Ruler is the Divine Deliverer
We continue our series through the Gospel of John
John 17 - Jesus' Prayer
We continue our series through the Gospel of John
John 16:16-33 - Sadness Will Be Turned to Joy
We continue our series through the Gospel of John
John 16:1-15
We continue our series through the Gospel of John
John 14:15-31 (@ Braeburn Lake Summer Camp)
The Gospel of John teaches us about the Holy Spirit
John 14:1-14 - Comfort in the Trinity
The Gospel of John teaches us about the comfort found in knowing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
John 13:18-38 - Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is sovereign over all events
John 13:1-17 - Jesus Washes His Disciple's Feet
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is humble servant who sacrificed Himself on the cross
John 12:37 - 50 The Unbelief of the People
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is faithful despite our faithlessness
John 11:45 - 12:11 — The Plot To Kill Jesus
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus’ death is planned for His glory.
John 10:22-42 - Jesus and God the Father are One
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus and God are one
John 10 - Jesus, The Good Shepherd
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd
John 9 - Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is the One True God who gives sight to the blind.
John 8:31-59 - Jesus Is The Truth
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is the only Truth
John 7:25-39 | Jesus Christ is the Living Water
The Gospel of John teaches us that Jesus is the only Water that satisfies
John 7:1-24 | Is This the Christ?
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus the Saviour of the world!
John 6:60-71 | The Words of Eternal Life
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus’ gift of eternal life
John 6:22-59 | Jesus is the Bread of Life
The Gospel of John teaches about Jesus being the eternal bread that we all need
John 6:1-21 | Jesus Feeds Thousands & Walks on Water
The Gospel of John teaches about power and sovereignty of Jesus over His creation